Philippine Standard Time

Regional R&D Consortia

The Regional R&D Consortia mechanism has been an integral part of PCAARRD’s R&D management system.  It has become the Council’s platform for joint R&D planning, monitoring, evaluation, and sharing of resources among member institutions to achieve development of the agriculture, aquatic and natural resources sector in the regions.

The Consortia system started in 1975 with the establishment of the first consortium in Region 6, the La Granja Agricultural Research Center, consisting of four member agencies. Other research centers and stations in other regions followed suit and also entered into consortium arrangements.  By 1978, there were additional seven consortia established for Bicol, Central Luzon, Cagayan Valley, CAR, Ilocos Norte, Northern and Central Mindanao, and Eastern Visayas.  By 1988, 14 regional consortia were operating all across the country.

With the rationalization of the PCAARRD support in 2012, 12 consortia remained operational together with the addition of the newly-formed ARMMAARRDEC.  With the renewed commitment to support the consortia in 2015, the revival of CCAARRD and CVAARRDEC (formerly CV-CIRRD) was materialized in 2017. There are now 15 consortia operating in the country, with the newest member MAARRDEC formed in 2019.
Evolution of regional R&D management in the AANR sector
Membership has expanded through the years and varies in each consortium. As of July 2024, the Consortia have a total membership of 303 agencies – 216 R&D implementing (SUCs, regional offices of the DENR and DA, private universities, NGOs) and 87 R&D support (BAR, ATI, LGUs, DOST, NEDA, DAR, DBM, DTI, DoT, among others). Also, many consortia already have members coming from the private sector.

PCAARRD provides funding support to the Consortia’s initiatives under the four banner programs of strategic R&D, R&D results utilization, institution development, and policy research and advocacy.  The Council also institutes capability building measures and other means of support to ensure that the Consortia are able to perform as “PCAARRD in the regions."

PCAARRD in the Regions
Cordillera Consortium for Agriculture, Aquatic and Resources Research and Development
Ilocos Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development Consortium
Cagayan Valley Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development Consortium
Central Luzon Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development Consortium
Southern Tagalog Agriculture, Aquatic and Resources Research, Development and Extension Consortium
MIMAROPA Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development Consortium
Bicol Consortium for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development
Western Visayas Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development Consortium
Central Visayas Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development Consortium
Visayas Consortium for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Program
Western Mindanao Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development Consortium
Northern Mindanao Consortium for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development
Southern Mindanao Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development Consortium
SOCCKSARGEN Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development Consortium
Caraga Consortium for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development