Philippine Standard Time

The search is on for the 2020 Ulat SIPAG awardees

The Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) has opened the nominations for the 2020 Ulat SIPAG Awards.

Consisting of print and broadcast categories, Ulat SIPAG will recognize the efforts of private media practitioners in popularizing science and technology in relation to PCAARRD’s priority concerns, primarily its Industry Strategic S&T Programs (ISP) in the agriculture, aquatic, and natural resources (AANR) sector.

Ulat SIPAG is one of the awards given during the PCAARRD anniversary, along with other awards such as Pantas, Tanglaw, Ugnay Awards, and Best Research and Development Papers.


Practicing writers for print media whose articles focus on PCAARRD’s ISPs are encouraged to be nominated under the print category. Materials should focus on a particular technologies or commodities in the ISPs and create awareness and interest on research and development (R&D) projects/services of PCAARRD and its allied agencies in the National Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development Network (NAARRDN). The article may be of any length and should only have one byline.

The nominee should be published in national, regional, and local dailies; magazines; and professional newsletters from 2018-2019.

On the other hand, AM radio station broadcasters are encouraged to be nominated under the broadcast category. The nominee should have aired AANR S&T-related information content on any of PCAARRD’s ISPs. The program must have written/produced plugs for radio and must be aired, at least in part, in an interview format.

The nominee must be a practicing radio broadcaster from private broadcasting firm, and has consistently broadcast AANR S&T topics or information for at least two years, immediately preceding the year of award.

All nominations must be addressed to the Executive Director, DOST-PCAARRD, Los Baños, Laguna, and must be submitted on or February 28, 2020.
Cash prizes and plaques await the winners for each category.

Nomination forms, entry forms, and guidelines for the Ulat SIPAG Award are available at DOST-PCAARRD Headquarters and can also be downloaded from the Council’s website at