Shrimp nurseries that are set up in ponds, especially those that co-culture shrimp with milkfish, are prone to viral diseases. The spread of luminous vibrios and white spot syndrome virus (WSSV), as well as high production costs, are emerging problems of the shrimp industry that need solutions for its sustainable production.

Cover page of the Biofloc Technology (BFT) brochure
To mitigate the decrease in shrimp productivity and provide efficient supply to its growing market, the University of San Agustin, in partnership with the Marmi Agricultural Corporation, developed a tank-based nursery system that can ensure farmers with a safe and sustainable supply of seed stock.
This nursery system is featured in the newest publication of the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD). Titled, “Biofloc technology (BFT) production system for whiteleg shrimp,” the publication introduces an aquaculture production system with high yield productivity and low production costs.The publication discusses how BFT maintains water quality, which reduces the costs of pumping, refilling, and disinfection of water. It also features how diatoms, macroalgae, fecal pellets, shrimp feces, bacteria, and other particles suspended in the water column are used as food for shrimp. The stages of shrimp production, materials needed for shrimp culture, and the benefits of using BFT are also presented in this brochure.
BFT is an output of the project led by the DOST Science for Change Program (S4CP)– Collaborative Research and Development to Leverage the Philippine Economy (CRADLE) and monitored by the Council.
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