Philippine Standard Time
InnoVenture in Agri-Aqua Hackathon (IVAAH) held

InnoVenture in Agri-Aqua Hackathon (IVAAH) held

A live technology business pitching that provided opportunities to promote agriculture and aquaculture innovation within the startup ecosystem was held at the Rolle Hall of the Cavite State University (CvSU) on February 22, 2024.

The “InnoVenture in Agri-Aqua Hackaton (IVAAH) themed “Accelerating Innovation for Agri-Aqua Start-ups,” represents the convergence of agriculture, innovation, and entrepreneurial spirit in a competitive and collaborative setting. It aimed to effectively integrate the elements of interactivity and competition, cultivating an environment that promotes innovative ideas and collaborative problem-solving. 

The event was a series of training and workshops that spanned for the months of January and February 2024, wherein students with their respective mentors from the faculty assisted the incubatees in developing advancements in their businesses. It also brought together students, mentors, evaluators, and major partner institutions to serve as venue to accelerate agri-startups and innovations into the next level

The event, also coined as IVAAH, was spearheaded by the Regional Agri-Aqua Technology Business Incubation (ATBI) Project, and the Regional Agribusiness Hub Projects as part of the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD)-funded project, Regional Agri-Aqua Innovation System Enhancement (RAISE) Program. IVAAH was conducted in collaboration with the College of Economics, Management and Development Studies (CEMDS) and the College of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Natural Resources (CAFENR) of the Cavite State University (CvSU).

During the culminating activity, CvSU Vice President for Research and Development Melbourne R. Talactac warmly welcomed the participants. In his speech, he emphasized the journey of the incubatees whose innovative business ideas have the power to transform the entire landscape of agriculture and aquaculture, ensuring a country of food security and poverty alleviation. He added that the activity would serve its purpose to be a catalyst for innovation, collaboration, and cultivation of ideas that have the power to revolutionize the agri-aqua landscape. Furthermore, he congratulated the participants for he believed that everyone was already a winner.

CvSU President Hernando D. Robles acknowledged the presence of DOST-PCAARRD and thanked the Council for its continuous support to CvSU endeavors. In his talk, he said that the word innovation may sound like a buzzword for some but the University is putting a lot of emphasis on it for us to stay relevant in the competitive market and to contribute to the Country’s economic growth. He stressed that the innovative ideas of the incubatees have the power to transform the entire landscape of agriculture and aquaculture. Through their technologies, they will not only earn but will also be helping the country in terms of food security and poverty alleviation. 

Meanwhile, DOST-PCAARRD Deputy Executive Director for Administration, Resource Management and Support Services Melvin B. Carlos, in his inspirational message, expressed gratitude and appreciation to CvSU and its relevant partner agencies for the conduct of such events because it promotes R&D outputs and technology transfer initiatives to the S&T community and to the country at large. He added that in the past, more R&D were completed but there wasn't enough actual utilization of these results through technology transfer, including the Intellectual Property (IP) management and commercialization. He added that the government enhanced the system for effective technology transfer, established networks, and passed on laws that intensified IP Management and commercialization. Recently, the innovation start-up act was also passed on. All these, added Dr. Carlos, helped further boost all concerted efforts in the government to make full use of the benefits of R&D outputs.

Furthermore, Dr. Carlos said that IVAAH is an ideal platform for exhibiting the talents and brilliance of the S&T Community in Region IV, particularly of CvSU and its network, in terms of R&D initiatives including the promotion and adoption of technologies that could contribute to the country’s goal of achieving inclusive development and the sustainable development goals of the country as mentioned by Dr. Robles. 

Dr. Carlos attended the event with Ms. Rubiriza Dc. Resuello of the DOST-PCAARRD Technology Transfer and Promotion Division (TTPD) who served as part of the evaluation team.

Meanwhile, several weeks prior to culminating activity, the participants were equipped with knowledge and skills to create a business model canvas; develop a brand and promotional materials for the incubatees’ business; and enhance their confidence and presentation skills for pitching to potential investors. The activity also extended the unique opportunity to glean insights from the experience of the participants and broaden their understanding of scaling and managing agribusiness, potentially inspiring them to explore opportunities within the industry.

Of the 15 incubatees of CvSU ATBI who participated in the pitching event, the overall winner for the InnoVenture: Agri-Aqua Hackathon was HeBrews Highland Coffee Trading. It was followed by Honeybee-han at 2nd place and South Maya Arm at 3rd place.

The IVAAH served as a dynamic and engaging platform for learning and growth not only for the incubatees and the student participants but for all the participants, mentors, and organizers during the Agri-Aqua business pitching event.