Philippine Standard Time

DOST-PCAARRD marks its 6th founding anniversary

The Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) held its week-long celebration of its 6th founding anniversary from June 27 to 30, 2017.

The celebration puts the spotlight on the national Symposium on Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (NSAARRD) held on June 27; the 6th anniversary program held on June 28; the Student and Teacher Agri-Aqua Ambassadors for Innovation and Livelihood (STAIL) forum held on June 29; and PCAARRD staff day held on June 30.

PCAARRD recognizes researchers, institutions, and the media

NSAARRD showcases the outstanding contributions of individuals and institutions in the improvement of the agriculture, aquatic, and natural resources sectors through research and development.

The winners recognized in the NSAARRD Research Category include the papers, “Development of innovative feed supplements and feeding schemes for increased goat productivity” (third place); “Molecular markers for mango cultivar identification and genetic characterization” (second place); and “S&T management approaches against Fusarium wilt [Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc)] on Cavendish in Mindanao” (first place).

For the development category, the winners include the papers, “Assessment, Capacity Building and Rehabilitation of Selected Pablo-Stricken Communities in Davao Region” (third place); “Promotion of forage-based pellets for goats as a feeding option and portable pelletizer as potential enterprises” (second place); and “Enhanced productivity of Lakatan and Saba/Cardaba in Region 12” (first place).


Also recognized during the PCAARRD anniversary were the Dr. Elvira O. Tan Awardees. The Dr. Elvira O. Tan Award honors Filipino scientists and researchers for their exceptional publication of research and development (R&D) results, which support the advancement of the country’s national economic and food security. It was established in 1987 as a tribute to Dr. Elvira O. Tan, an outstanding researcher and prolific writer.

The winners of the awards include the papers, “The SLT2 mitogen-activated protein kinase-mediated signalling pathway governs conidiation, morphogenesis, fungal virulence, and production of toxin and melanin in the tangerine pathotype of Alternaria alternata” for the Agriculture category; “Non-enzymatic isolation of somatic cells from Kappaphycus spp. and Eucheuma denticulatum (Solieriaceae, Rhodophyta)” for the Aquatic Sciences category; and “Urbanization adjacent to a wetland of international importance: The case of Olango Island Wildlife Sanctuary, Metro Cebu, Philippines” for the Natural Resources and Environment category.



Moreover, the anniversary highlighted awardees of the Pantas Award, which recognizes outstanding scientists/researchers and research administrators, as well as the Tanglaw Award, which awards laudable research institutions.

This year’s Pantas awardee for the Outstanding Research/Scientist category was Dr. Porfirio M. Aliño, Deputy Director for Research of the University of the Philippines-Marine Science Institute (UP-MSI). The Outstanding Research Administrator, on the other hand, was awarded to Dr. William C. Medrano, Vice President for Research and Development and Extension and Training (RDET) of the Isabela State University (ISU). The Tanglaw award was granted to the Benguet State University under the leadership of Dr. Feliciano G. Calora, Jr.


The anniversary also places the spotlight on the agency’s media partners through the Ulat SIPAG Award. Previously known as the PCAARRD Professional Media Awards, the award has been revised to become more plainfolk in nature and parallel with the other three awards given during the PCAARRD anniversary, namely the Pantas, Tanglaw, and Ugnay, which are all Tagalog words. The award continues to recognize the important role and valuable support of media practitioners as a vital link between the S&T sector and its clients in technology commercialization and adoption.

The winners of the Ulat SIPAG Award under the print category include Julio P. Yap, Jr. of the Agriculture Magazine (third place); Rainier A. Ronda of Philippine Star (second place); and Paul M. Icamina (first place). The lone winner under the broadcast category was Dr. Custer C. Deocaris of Radyo Agila.


Launch of publications on marine resources

Three important publications in relation to the coral assessment and restoration efforts of the country were formally launched during the celebration of the PCAARRD’s 6th Anniversary. These books are titled “Corals of the Philippines: A Field Guide Focusing on Threatened Species;” “Reproductive Patterns of Selected Coral Species in the Philippines (Handbook);” “Culture and Rearing Techniques of Corals from Larvae (Manual);” and “Beyond the Depths: The Benham Bank Seamount Exploration.”

The first book was created to help scientists and stakeholders recognize vulnerable and endangered coral species in the Philippine waters. The handbook provides information on the coral anatomy, life cycle, reproductive biology of corals from across the Philippines, while the manual provides the general biological and physical considerations in coral sexual propagation. Lastly, the book on the Benham Bank documents the corals, algae, and other marine resources found during the exploration. The books were published through the National Coral R&D Program, which is supported by PCAARRD to address the challenges in the protection and preservation of the country’s coral reefs.

Launching of new initiatives

Three new initiatives were launched during the anniversary program, including the Graduate Research and Education Assistantship Program for Technology (GREAT) program, PCAARRD Knowledge Management Portal, and the Biotechnology Information System.

The GREAT program is an innovative scholarship program being implemented by the Council together with the Science Education Institute, another DOST agency. The program is expected to enable qualified graduate students to become active players in generating quality research that addresses the country’s priority concerns in the Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources (AANR) sector.

Applicants for the GREAT program should be graduate students and should have identified the proposed PCAARRD or DOST project that they will be involved with.

Meanwhile, the PCAARRD Knowledge Management Portal is a system developed to support the operations and functions of the DOST-PCAARRD Innovation and Technology Center. The portal has three major modules with the following objectives: showcase the Farms and Industry Encounters through the Science and Technology Agenda (FIESTA) activities; provide access to PCAARRD’s developed technologies; and provide the public a collaboration platform.

The portal can be accessed at The public can collaborate with PCAARRD and other users by signing up in the community page.

Lastly, the Biotechnology Information System is a collaboration among the Department of Agriculture through its biotechnology program office; Bureau of Agricultural Research, DOST through PCAARRD, and Commission on Higher Education. The system is an inter-agency web-based repository that allows inputting and initial screening of R&D proposals on agriculture and fisheries biotechnology submitted to respective funding agencies.

Through this common repository, coordination among agencies is strengthened; R&D programs are complemented; and utilization of government funds is maximized.

Strategic public-private partnerships

As an effort to fast track technology transfer and commercialization, four new strategic public-private partnerships were established between PCAARRD and its partners.

During the program, PCAARRD, along with the Association of PAQE Professionals, Inc. (APP), Philippine Association of Agriculturists, Inc. (PAA), Gawad Kalinga Community Development Foundation, Inc. (GK), GK Enchanted Farm, and LandCare Foundation of the Philippines, Inc. signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

The partnerships were established to promote S&T as a platform for AANR products, innovation, and environmental resiliency. The Council is elevating its technology transfer and commercialization platform through the DOST-PCAARRD Innovation and Technology Center (DPITC).

DPITC aims to provide a venue for convergence of AANR stakeholders from the academe, public, private sectors, NGOs, and international partners to strengthen existing and forge new Public Private Partnerships for technology commercialization.