Philippine Standard Time
DOST-PCAARRD-funded project benchmarked fermented fish sauce industry in Vietnam

DOST-PCAARRD-funded project benchmarked fermented fish sauce industry in Vietnam

Vietnam is widely known for its salt-fermented fish industry in Asia. Aiming to gather relevant information about its existing practices for producing safe and quality fish sauce products, the mussel sauce project team from the University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV) conducted a benchmarking activity in Phan Thiet City in Binh Thuan province. 

Specifically, the activity aims to determine the sustainability of the acquisition of raw materials, intricate processing steps, and strategic aspects of marketing and distribution. This information is critical in improving the mussel sauce technology of UPV.

Presentation of Mussel Sauce technology to KNC executives. (Image credit: UPV Project Team)

Such technology is made possible through the project, “Product Process Optimization at Upscale Production and Market Planning for Low Salt-Fermented Mussel (Perna viridis) Sauce.” It is funded by the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD). The project primarily seeks to evaluate the process efficiency, product cost, and market promotion strategies for low-salt fermented mussel (Perna viridis) sauce. 

The team visited and explored the Mai Huong Fish Sauce Company Limited. Director Pham Cao Khoung provided the team with the operational and marketing aspects of the company. According to Mr. Khoung, the company stands as a testament to Vietnam's commitment to producing quality and safe fermented fish products, remarkably marking history in the fish sauce industry for over 25 years. 

Furthermore, Mr. Khoung also highlighted the key tools to ensure the fish sauce quality. This includes the stringent monitoring mechanisms implemented and the active role played by regulatory bodies, such as the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), which has championed global food safety through the Codex Alimentarius. 

Modern fermentation system shown at KNC. (Image credit: UPV Project Team)

Continuing to collect and gauge the systems and mechanisms of Vietnam in advancing their fish sauce in the country, they also looked into Kim Ngu Fish Sauce Trade & Produce Co., Ltd. (KNC). This company highlights its commitment to blending traditional flavors with modern standards for 16 years. Coming from a four-generation family lineage of crafting premium fish sauce, the company takes pride in its heritage of quality and authenticity. 

The company puts a premium on using two key natural ingredients intrinsic to Vietnam’s renowned fish sauce, fresh anchovies and locally produced sea salt. With this, the team also visited the local fish port strategically located near the Phu Hai Fish Sauce Processing Zone. 

Present during the benchmarking activity were UPV-Technology Transfer and Business Development Office Director and Project Leader Reynold D. Tan; University Researchers Ernestina M. Peralta, Ruby P. Napata, Ariel S. Sefil from UPV-College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences; and Assistant Professor Frediezel G. De Leon from UPV-College of Management.

The project hopes to use the relevant information, systems, and process mechanisms from this activity to improve its mussel sauce and advance its potential in the market.

Fish port visit in Phan Thiet City near Phu Hai Fish Sauce Processing Zone. (Image credit: UPV Project Team)