Philippine Standard Time
DOST-PCAARRD conducts GAD training-writeshop at Guimaras State University

DOST-PCAARRD conducts GAD training-writeshop at Guimaras State University

In pursuit of integrating the gender dimension in research and development (R&D) within the agriculture, aquatic, and natural resources (AANR) sector, the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) conducted a gender and development (GAD) training-writeshop on gender-responsive design and packaging of R&D programs at Guimaras State University (GSU) from May 7–9, 2024.

The training-writeshop is one of the accomplishments of the DOST-PCAARRD-funded project, “Gender Analysis Framework and Monitoring and Evaluation Tools in Gender- Responsive AANR Development Projects (GAME Tools in AANR).” 

Led by Dr. Blesshe L. Querijero of the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB), the project aims to enhance the gender-responsiveness of the development and packaging of R&D in AANR.

Twenty-five female and male researchers and faculty members from the three campuses of GSU (Baterna, Masqueda, and Salvador) participated in the three-day training. GSU served as one of the recipients of the GAME Tools’ guidebooks. These guidebooks are targeted to R&D implementers in state universities and colleges (SUCs) across the country.

Dr. Blesshe L. Querijero leads the discussion on GAME tools and its application to enhance R&D in AANR. (Image credit: Jo-Jee T. Ocampo, SERD, DOST-PCAARRD)

On behalf of GSU President Lilian Diana B. Parreno, GSU Vice-President for Academic Affairs Efren S. Tellermo highlighted in his welcome remarks that “sustainable development is achievable by ensuring that R&D innovations are gender-responsive, to create a future where gender equality is not just a goal, but a lived reality.” This message resonated with the participants who shared their experiences with integrating GAD in R&D. 

On the first day, Dr. Blesshe L. Querijero provided a refresher on GAD topics, including the importance of gender-responsive R&D projects, fundamentals of GAD and gender analysis (GA) tools and frameworks, and the Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines (HGDG). 

DOST-PCAARRD’s Gender and Development and Special Projects Unit (GADSPU) Head Annette M. Tobias introduced the DOST-PCAARRD’s GAD focus area during the first day of the training-writeshop.

On the second day, participants engaged in various case studies to practice integrating the core elements of HGDG into research proposals. Following the exercises, participants presented their drafted research proposals, which were later refined during the writeshop. Dr. Querijero, also a Philippine Commission on Women (PCW)-certified GAD expert, provided technical comments to enhance the proposals before submission to the Council for potential funding. 

Members of DOST-PCAARRD and GSU participate in the training-writeshop focused on integrating gender into the design and packaging of R&D in AANR. (Image credit: Jo-Jee T. Ocampo, SERD, DOST-PCAARRD)

Additionally, Ms. Tobias and DOST-PCAARRD’s GAD Secretariat offered further comments for each presenter, focused on aligning with DOST-PCAARRD’s GAD priority programs. The participants presented the refined GAD proposals on the last day.

During the closing program, participants shared their insights on the event. One participant mentioned, “What I learned is important in enhancing GSU’s future projects to be more gender-responsive.” It was also expressed that the training was very timely, enlightening participants on extending gender considerations in their developed projects. As an R&D team, they aim to be gender-responsive researchers and faculty members. 

The activity was officially closed by the GSU Director of Gender and Development Enriqueta N. Siva with a message of encouragement. “The training-writeshop is not an end, but the beginning of a fruitful collaboration between DOST-PCAARRD and GSU in creating impactful R&D in AANR,” Dr. Siva remarked.