Philippine Standard Time

Cagayan Valley PCAARRD R&D consortium bags top Ugnay Award

Research and development partner of a Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Council in Cagayan Valley bags the top Ugnay Award.

Cagayan Valley Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (CVAARRD), a consortium of the DOST-Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (DOST-PCAARRD), was recognized as the Most Outstanding Regional R&D consortium out of the 14 other regional consortia in the country.


Conferred every two years since 1995, Ugnay acknowledges the efforts of the regional consortia of the Council in meeting the regional R&D and technology needs. It incentivizes the consortia to enhance their efforts to realize the regional and national R&D goals in the agriculture, aquatic, and natural resources (AANR) sector.

CVAARRD was cited as embodying the true essence of ‘ugnayan’ through collaboration, complementation, and sharing of resources to deliver its services to the region. Moreover, the consortium’s concerted R&D efforts have been instrumental to the advancement of the AANR sector in the Cagayan Valley and aligned with the priority commodities of the Regional Development Council, which include citrus, small ruminants, banana, and cacao. Consequently, the impacts of these initiatives were felt by the intended beneficiaries.

The consortium was able to gain support from local government units (LGUs), non-government organizations (NGOs), local industry groups, and the private sector in various consortium-led activities.

Ugnay Award first and second runner up

Two other consortia in Western Mindanao and Eastern Visayas were recognized as first and second runners up, respectively.

Western Mindanao Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development Consortium (WESMAARRDEC) placed first runner up, citing its strategic and relevant R&D and technology transfer initiatives that generated positive responses from its beneficiaries and adopters. Specifically, projects on rubber and sardines have been successfully translated into effective policies for the sustainability of the region’s resources.

Lastly, the Visayas Consortium for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Program (VICARP) placed second runner up. VICARP was cited to have dynamic leadership and coordination, enabling the forging of partnerships and linkages with LGUs, NGOs, cooperatives, and the private sector, which significantly hastened the S&T information dissemination, promotion, and adoption in the AANR sector in Eastern Visayas.

The awardees were conferred during DOST-PCAARRD’s 50th Founding Anniversary, themed, “Tatak GALÍNG, gáling PCAARRD: Celebrating 50 Years of Excellence in AANR Innovations” held on November 10, 2022 at the Council’s headquarters in Los Baños, Laguna.

About the PCAARRD regional consortia

The Regional R&D Consortia mechanism has been an integral part of PCAARRD’s R&D management system. It has become the Council’s platform for joint R&D planning, monitoring, evaluation, and sharing of resources among member institutions to achieve development of the agriculture, aquatic and natural resources sector in the regions.

The Consortia system started in 1975 with the establishment of the first consortium in Region 6, the La Granja Agricultural Research Center, consisting of four member agencies. Other research centers and stations in other regions followed suit and entered same consortium arrangements. By 1978, there were additional seven consortia established for Bicol, Central Luzon, Cagayan Valley, CAR, Ilocos, Northern and Central Mindanao, and Eastern Visayas. By 1988, 14 regional consortia had been operating all across the country.

To date, there are now 15 consortia, with the newest member, MIMAROPA Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development Consortium (MAARRDEC) formed in 2019.