Philippine Standard Time

Breakthrough dehydration technology to boost the dried food products industry

Drying is one of the most well-known practices of food preservation. It is one of the oldest methods developed by humans to store food supplies for extended periods, especially when there is no harvest. Drying also plays a crucial role in creating various food products enjoyed globally. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, tea, for example, is one of the most consumed beverages worldwide, second only to water.

In the Philippines, one of the most common drying methods is sun drying due to the country’s dry weather conditions that prevail for half of the year. However, this leads to decreased productivity once the wet season arrives. With unpredictable weather conditions, relying on sun drying exposes food products to numerous vulnerabilities, especially from a business standpoint.

As a solution, the Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) developed a programmable dehydrator machine through a project led by Dr. Renerio S. Mucas. The machine dehydrates crops and food materials by collecting solar heat via heat catchers installed outdoors and concentrating the energy into a drying chamber. The device also features an electronic support system that ensures drying productivity with backup heaters in case of insufficient solar radiation. Initially developed for drying tea leaves, the machine is also compatible with other materials such as ginger, turmeric, banana peel, and fish. It can also be used for dehydrating fruits such as pineapple, grapes, and strawberry; vegetables for snacking; spices; meat jerky; and powdered food ingredients.

The dehydrator machine showcases benefits to its users. Tea producers in Iloilo, such as Ephrathah Farms, can now increase their production capacity from the typical 0.5 kg/day to 5 kg/day. The machine can successfully preserve the quality of materials by keeping desired levels of phenol content and antioxidants. Additionally, use of solar radiation not only reduces energy consumption but also lowers production costs.

For those interested, the dehydrator machine is now available for sale at AMF Metal Industries. Visit their website at or contact them at the following numbers: (02) 8244-29-00.