Philippine Standard Time

DOST-PCAARRD participates in FFTC’s 50th Anniversary and Symposium

To signify its support and appreciation of the steady partnership, the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) participated in the 50th Anniversary and Symposium of its partner, the Food and Fertilizer Technology Center (FFTC).

FFTC is one of the steadfast partners of DOST-PCAARRD. The DOST-PCAARRD-FFTC partnership has been flourishing since the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) in 1983. For over 38 years, DOST-PCAARRD and FFTC have been committed to being a catalyst for agricultural development.


FFTC’s 50th Anniversary and Symposium, “Making Agri-food Systems Sustainable” was attended by its institutional partners and was congratulated through a message by Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, FFTC opted to celebrate through an online symposium.

Dr. Reynaldo V. Ebora, DOST-PCAARRD Executive Director, served as moderator during the symposium’s afternoon session, “Nourishing Asia’s Growing Population.”

The Session’s invited speakers, Dr. Purwiyatno Hariyadi, Dr. Chuenjit Chancharoonpong, and Dr. Son Hong Nguyen, shared their respective country’s experiences and strategies in ensuring health and wellness of consumers and in addressing issues and challenges on food safety, and food and nutrition security.

Dr. Purwiyatno Hariyadi, a professor at the Department of Food Science and Technology and a Senior Scientist at the Southeast Asian Food and Agricultural Science and Technology (SEAFAST) at the Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), University in Indonesia, discussed “Post-COVID 19 Transformation towards Sustainable Healthy Diet”. His presentation showed the relationship between food consumption and sustainability and advocated ingrained sustainable production and consumption and the promotion of sustainable lifestyles among consumers.

On the other hand, Dr. Chuenjit Chancharoonpong, Assistant Professor at the Department of Food Technology and Nutrition at Kasetsart University Thailand, presented “Food Safety, and Nutrition Security: Challenges for Thailand’s Health Promotion.” She illustrated the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on food safety in Thailand.

Lastly, Dr. Son Hong Nguyen, President of the Vietnam Academy of Agriculture Sciences (VAAS), presented his paper on “The Role of Science and Technology in Transforming Vietnam into Sustainable Agri-Food Systems.” It highlighted the importance of science, technology, and innovation in increasing production efficiency, productivity, food safety, and distribution.

An Open Forum, after the speaker’s presentations, allowed discussion on the intricacies and the prospects of Sustainable Agri-Food Systems. Dr. Ebora expressed his appreciation for FFTC’s invitation to moderate the session and wished the Center’s continued success and leadership in harnessing the collective efforts of its institutional partners to address various regional concerns.

An appreciation video commemorating the almost 40 years of the DOST-PCAARRD-FFTC partnership was also presented during the first half of the Anniversary and Symposium. It highlighted the collaborated activities and publications of DOST-PCAARRD and FFTC.