Senior social researchers of the Bicol University (BU) were gathered last December 6-9, 2007 for a briefing on the PCARRD priority research and development (R&D) agenda and researchable areas in agriculture, forestry, and natural resources (AFNR). PCARRD Socio-economics Research Division (SERD) Director Albert P. Aquino did the briefing. Dr. Fay Patria Lauraya, BU president and chair of the Bicol Consortium for Agricultural Resources Research Consortium (BCARRD), and a social scientist
Tech transfer bill briefing. Congressman Joseph Emilio Abaya of the First District of Cavite gets briefed on the proposed technology transfer bill last January 8 at the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Conference Room, DOST Main Building, Bicutan, Taguig, Metro Manila.
The Philippine government gives high priority on Jatropha curcas as feedstock for biodiesel as compared to other locally produced biodiesel sources. Jatropha curcas, locally known as ‘tubang bakod’, was found to exhibit more potential as an alternative to high-valued products. Hence, a subprogram under the National Biofuels (research and development) R&D Program on Jatropha for biodiesel production was initiated by PCARRD.
This year, PCARRD will gather all its regional partners, farmers,
stakeholders, and business key players to the Techno Gabay Summit on
July 9-10 at the SMX Convention Center, Pasay City.
PCARRD and the Philippine Council for Aquatic and Marine Resources Research and Development (PCAMRD) will be joining a writeshop on science and technology-based farm (STBF) and community-based initiatives in Cebu City on February 6-7.
Dr. Prabhu Pingali, head of the Agricultural Policy and Statistics Division of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, was in PCARRD last January 30. Pingali visited PCARRD to share the Foundation’s priority agricultural program areas for development assistance. The PCARRD directorate and senior staff members led by PCARRD Executive Director Patricio S. Faylon gathered to meet him. Incidentally, PCARRD’s Socio-economics Research Division, and Planning and Development Division coordinated the
Los Baños, Laguna - "A good idea, especially on how lessons learned from previous projects could be applied in other areas, is always welcome. So said Dr. Prabhu L. Pingali, head of the Agricultural Policy and Statistics Division of the prestigious Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, during his visit to PCARRD on January 30.
Human capital build-up in the agriculture, forestry, and natural resources (AFNR) is set to receive a major shot in the arm through a new P200-million program on increasing the demand for AFNR professionals.
Two thousand eight signals a renewal of partnerships as just two weeks into the New Year, Dr. Jean-Guy Bertault and Ines Loge visited PCARRD.
A 10-day experiential learning trip to various facilities/laboratories of research and development institutes (RDIs) in Los Baños, Laguna; Quezon City; and Bicutan was recently conducted. Provincial science and technology directors (PSTDs) and assistant regional directors participated in the trip.
With program issues ironed out, all is set for the Council’s landmark program to boost the human resources in the agriculture, forestry and natural resources (AFNR) sectors.
The management team of the 200-million program on “Enhancing the demand for AFNR graduates through S&T (science and technology)”, started 2009 with a series of inception meetings with three partner- state universities and colleges (SUCs), namely: Bicol University (BU), Jan. 7-8; Cavite State University (CvSU), Jan 13-16; and the
Telecentre-Europe Network Organization Program Manager Laurentiu Bunescu was in PCARRD recently as part of his one-week study visit to the Philippines.

Her Excellency President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo conferred the Philippine Quality Award (PQA) to PCARRD in ceremonies held at the Malacañan Palace on December 9, 2009.